
不安定の中の安定さ Stability in the instability [Oil on cotton cloth, Medium, 291×194cm, 2018]



バンジージャンプと香りの間にある地図に沿って Along the map which is between bungeejumping and fragrances [Oil on canvas, Gesso, All Cracked UP, 194×194cm, 2017]



ユリの幻想 Lily's fantasy [Oil on cotton cloth, Medium, 53×45.5cm, 2017]



第7回柳瀬荘アート教育プロジェクト『間の共振』 7th Yanasesou Art education project, “Resonance of the interval”, Yanaseso, Saitama, 2016



渡辺有葵公開制作+個展(MUSICコラボDJ SHINGO) Yuuki Watanabe Exhibition and music collaboration Dj Shingo, Contemporary Art Studio, HIGURE17-15cas, Tokyo, 2013



入れないのなら想像の翼で Using imaginary wings, if I don't get in [Oil on canvas, Gesso, All Cracked UP, 194×194cm, 2015]



日々育てた花と共にあの日を思い出す I remember that day(s) whenever I see flowers I have been growing [Oil on canvas, Gesso, All Cracked UP, 194×194cm, 2014]



Fantastic butterfly [Oil on canvas, 194×194cm, 2011]



咲いて欲しい花 The flower which wants you to bloom [Oil on canvas, Wax, 194.0×651.5cm, @ In front of home parking lot, 2011]
